Eight out of ten American companies lease all or some of their equipment. Each year more companies choose to procure new productive equipment through leases rather than loans. Companies that lease tend to be growth and/or technology oriented organizations. According to the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association
(ELFA), leasing continues to be the most widely used method of asset-based financing in the U.S.
In 2021, a projected $1.966 trillion will be invested by U.S. businesses, nonprofits and government agencies in plant, equipment and software. Approximately 53%, or $1.042 trillion of that investment will be financed through equipment leasing and finance.
A Recent Leasing Survey Addresses
the Following Questions:
1) What percent of companies lease their equipment?
2) What type of equipment do companies lease?
3) Do companies continue to repeat the leasing experience?
4) Why do companies lease instead of purchasing their equipment?
5) How do companies rate leasing as a financing option?
6) What type of companies lease?
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Survey Results
